Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) April 2018 amounted to 94.83 or down 1.54 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjar Regency

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Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) April 2018 amounted to 94.83 or down 1.54 percent

Release Date : May 2, 2018
File Size : 0.72 MB


• In April 2018 South Kalimantan's NTP was 94.83, down 1.54 percent from March 2018 at 96.31. The decline in NTP was due to the price index received by farmers (It) decreased by 0.91 percent, and the price index paid by farmers (Ib) rose by 0.64 percent.

• In April 2018 in rural areas South Kalimantan experienced inflation of 0.70 percent, the price index rose across all subgroups with an increase of between 0.05 and 1.21 percent.

• Agricultural Household Trade Rate (NTUP) of South Kalimantan April 2018 amounted to 102.48 or decreased by 1.33 percent compared to NTUP in the previous month which reached 103.86.

• The average price of grain quality of dry harvest (GKP) at farmers' level fell by 7.05 percent, from Rp 5,185.98 per kg in March 2018 to Rp 4,820.12 per kg in April 2018. While the price of grain at the level milling down 7.08 percent from Rp 5,292.54 per kg in March 2018 to Rp 4,917.68 per kg in April 2018.

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